Festival Chit-Chat…

Regular Ruralise readers will have noticed it’s been a bit quiet here since the end of FANN-XI, while I’ve been catching up on a number of loose ends and dealing with a flurry of new-business enquiries at Lucas Hickman Smith, one of which, already fruitful, I will tell you about soon here, as it is very ‘on message’ for Ruralise. In the meantime one last bit of FANN-XI business…

You might be interested to see the material I put together for my ‘Pecha Kucha’ slot at Cinema city at the end of the Festival. Pecha Kucha is a presentation format devised by architects Klein Dytham in Tokyo in 2003, drawing its name from the Japanese for “chit chat”. Each presenter talks on a creative topic using twenty slides, each set to auto-forward after twenty seconds, to keep the presentations concise and fast-moving. I’ve done lots of public speaking over the years so I agreed to do a turn as one of six speakers without giving it a second thought…but when it came down to it it was surprisingly tricky – and quite scary!

The presentation is here: Ruralise FANN-XI Pecha Kucha Oct-2011

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